
How Do U Know What Type of Blood U Have

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You might need to know your blood type for medical reasons, to get an international visa, or to just learn more about your own body. Fortunately, there are numerous ways you can find out what blood type you have.

  1. 1

    Ask your parents for their blood type. If your biological parents both know their blood type, that narrows down the possibilities. In most cases this is only enough to guess, using an online blood type calculator or the following list:[1]

    Figuring Out Your Blood Type
    O parent x O parent = O child
    O parent x A parent = A or O child
    O parent x B parent = B or O child
    O parent x AB parent = A or B child
    A parent x A parent = A or O child
    A parent x B parent = A, B, AB or O child
    A parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child
    B parent x B parent = B or O child
    B parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child
    AB parent x AB parent = A, B or AB child
    Blood types also include an "Rh factor" (+ or -). If both of your parents have an Rh- blood type (such as O- or AB-), you are also Rh-. If one or both of your parents are Rh+, you cannot tell whether you are + or - without a test.[2]

  2. 2

    Call a doctor who has drawn your blood. If your physician already has your blood type on file, then you just need to ask. However,

    they will only have your record on file if you've already had your blood drawn and/or tested.

    Common reasons why you may have already had your blood type tested include:[3]

    • Pregnancy
    • Surgery
    • Organ donations
    • Blood transfusion


  3. 3

    Buy a blood typing kit. If you don't want to visit a doctor or donate blood, you can find a home test kit online or at a pharmacy for as little as US $10. These typically instruct you to

    dampen various labeled patches on a special card, then prick your finger and add a little blood to each patch.

    Make sure to follow the kit instructions when adding the blood. Note which patches (or vials of fluid, in some kits) cause the blood to clump (agglutinate) instead of spreading out. The clumping is a reaction to substances incompatible with your blood type. Once you've completed the test with all cards or fluids, look up your blood type using the kit instructions or the following list:

    Using a Blood Typing Kit
    Keep in mind that any test conducted at home is less reliable than a test performed by a professional. Check the "Anti-A" and "Anti-B" patches for clumps: Clumps in Anti-A (only) mean you have type A blood. Clumps in Anti-B mean you have type B blood. Clumps in Anti-A and Anti-B means you are type AB blood.
    Check the "Anti-D" patch: Clumps means you are Rh positive. Add a + to your blood type. No clumps means you are Rh negative. Add a - to your blood type.
    Clumping in control patch? If the control patch (normal paper) causes clumping, or if you are not sure whether the blood is clumping on any patch, try another card.[4]


  1. 1

    Request a blood test from your doctor. If your doctor doesn't have your type on file, then you can also ask to get a blood test done. Call or visit your doctor's office and ask for a blood test to determine your blood type.

    • Try saying something like, "I want to find out what my blood type is. Would it be possible for the doctor to order a blood test to check my blood type?"
  2. 2

    Visit a health clinic. If you don't have a primary care physician, then you can have a blood test done at a health clinic. Just visit a local health clinic and ask them to test your blood type.

    • You may want to call ahead first to see if this is something that the health clinic offers.
  3. 3

    Donate blood. This is an easy way to determine your blood type and help other people, all at once! Find a local donation center or wait until your school, church or community center hosts a blood drive. When you go in,

    ask the staff if they can tell you your blood type.

    Your blood is typically not tested right away, so it can take up to a few weeks for them to mail or call you with the result.

    Things to Know Before Donating Blood
    Eligibility requirements: To donate blood, you must be at least 16 years old (in most states), in good health, and you must weigh at least 110 lb (50 kg). Medications, low iron levels, and recent travel to foreign countries can also disqualify you from donating. You also cannot have donated blood within the last 56 days.[5]
    Call ahead: Call the blood donation center ahead of time to make sure that they'll accept your blood type.

  4. 4

    Go to a blood service center in your country of residence. Blood service centers usually provide people with free resources for getting their blood tested and finding out their type.

    • In Canada, go to Canada's official blood website. Find out where the next "What's Your Type?" event is taking place. These are regular promotional events hosted in the community by Canadian Blood Services. Your results are instant and you will find out how common or rare your blood type is, who you can receive from, and who you can donate to. You will learn both your ABO blood group, as well as your positive or negative Rhesus factor.


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  • Question

    If you have a RH-negative blood type, can you get a transplant from someone with B+ blood?

    Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

    Sarah Gehrke is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas. Sarah has over 10 years of experience teaching and practicing phlebotomy and intravenous (IV) therapy using physical, psychological, and emotional support. She received her Massage Therapist License from the Amarillo Massage Therapy Institute in 2008 and a M.S. in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

    Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

    Registered Nurse

    Expert Answer

    Blood transfusions and tissue transplants have different requirements. In general, Rh-negative blood is given to Rh-negative patients, while either Rh-positive blood or Rh-negative blood may be given to Rh-positive patients. For example, a kidney transplant requires blood typing, tissue typing, and cross-matching. You can see more here:

  • Question

    What blood type do mosquitoes bite the most?

    Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

    Sarah Gehrke is a Registered Nurse and Licensed Massage Therapist in Texas. Sarah has over 10 years of experience teaching and practicing phlebotomy and intravenous (IV) therapy using physical, psychological, and emotional support. She received her Massage Therapist License from the Amarillo Massage Therapy Institute in 2008 and a M.S. in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

    Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS

    Registered Nurse

    Expert Answer

    Currently, studies about blood groups and mosquito feeding habits are superficial. Researchers haven't found a definitive causal relation between blood group and mosquito bites.

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  • The calculator isn't always right. Don't just say immediately "Okay I'm B-" or "That's it, I'm AB+".

  • If you only know your parents' blood types, you can draw a Punnett square to predict the probability of inheriting each one. Three alleles determine blood type: the dominant alleles IA and IB, and the recessive allele i.[6] If your blood type is O, you have an ii genotype. If your blood type is A, your phenotype is either IAIA or IAi.

  • In addition to the blood types, one should also have their Rh or Rhesus factor tested. If you have your blood typed by the Red Cross or any other professional organization, they'll tell you the Rh factor. This is sometimes called D. You are either D+ or D-. For example, if clumping was noticed in the A field, and in the D field, then that person is A+ blood type.

  • 39% of the population is O+, 9% is O-, 31% is A+, 6% is A-, 9% is B+, 2% is B-, 3% is AB+, and 1% is AB-.[7]


  • There is no evidence that blood type determines your nutritional needs or personality.[8] [9] Be skeptical of these claims.


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Article SummaryX

To find out your blood type, contact a doctor who has drawn your blood in the past and ask if your blood type is on file. If it's not, schedule a blood test so you can find out what your blood type is. For an easier option, use an at-home blood typing kit which you can buy online or at a pharmacy. You can also donate blood at a blood drive and ask to have your blood type mailed to you a few weeks later. If you don't want to have your blood tested, ask both of your parents what blood type they are. Then, enter their blood types into an online blood-type calculator to narrow down the possibilities of what your blood type is. For more recommendations from our reviewer, like finding out your blood type by donating blood, scroll down!

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How Do U Know What Type of Blood U Have


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