
How Much Vodka Is Safe to Drink Daily

If asked what type of liquor is preferred, it's likely to illicit a wide range of responses. Not unlike music genres, everyone has their go-to beer, spirit, or wine. When the votes are tallied, however, vodka is a clear winner in the world-wide contest. Listed as the world's most popular spirits (and alcohol) – a title which its held since 1976 – vodka is a diverse and palatable beverage that can be consumed straight or as a mixed cocktail. There are extreme downsides to drinking 750 ml of vodka a day, the equivalent of one bottle. Here are some important tips you should know about overconsumption of the world's favorite booze.

The top 10% of alcohol consumers clinically diagnosed with severe alcohol use disorder, on average, consume 74 alcoholic drinks per week. What's the most popular spirit? A fairly easy guess: vodka. If the scale was weighed by vodka alone, this means that at the high end of America's alcoholism spectrum (top 10%), people are drinking 750 ml of vodka a day. This puts a person at risk for alcohol addiction, as well as corresponding diseases as it relates to overconsumption of liquor.

The risks of alcohol consumption run high, but nearly 24 million adults over 18 are nonetheless struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Research published in the National Library of Medicine reported that the risks of meeting the criteria for both alcohol abuse and dependence were in direct proportion with how often people exceeded the daily drinking limits.

It's critical to note that consuming too much alcohol, vodka or otherwise, carries significant health issues. If you're struggling with alcohol abuse, contact our Colorado addiction helpline directly at 855-281-5588.

Drinking A Bottle Of Vodka Per Day

Brief History of Vodka

Subtle, cost-effective, and extremely potent, vodka is a fan favorite for many reasons. Officially labeled the best-selling American spirit i n 1976, vodka surpassed whiskey and has held the lead ever since.

As a neutral spirit, many considered it a versatile drink that delivers a nice punch. Perhaps its potency is what makes it so desirable. American's consume more vodka by volume than anything else, with total consumption at 697.5 million liters in 2019. In the same year, Tito's was the number one selling spirit, jumping in sales by nearly 20%. Drinking vodka has increased by almost 10% over the last six years.

What makes vodka America's favorite liquor? For most, its power is its versatility and perceived lack of taste. If you've sampled it before, you know of it's unique characteristic: this clear distilled beverage has the ability to blend seamlessly with nearly any flavor or mix. It appeals to cocktail drinkers around the globe holds no limits. However, drinking a bottle every day will have it's health limitation.

The Risks of Alcohol Consumption

There are huge risks connected with the overconsumption of alcohol. First, alcohol is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and a grave concern for many American families struggling with the results of addiction.

In general, alcoholism –  also known as alcohol use disorder – is one of the largest public health crises in the country. In part, it has to do with the culture as it surrounds alcohol. Alcohol and substance abuse has affected people across genders, ages, and socioeconomic statuses. In 2015, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) noted that six people die every day from alcohol poisoning. Research also found that alcoholism is a factor in 30% of alcohol poisoning deaths. Further, over 100,000 people die every year due to drinking and…

  • driving
  • other accidents
  • falls
  • suicides
  • homicides

All of these adverse affects can be directly linked to alcohol consumption. Drinking 750 ml of vodka a day will put a person at risk for any one of these situations.

Binge Drinking

Binge drinking is not simply drinking a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time. Instead, it's the process of deliberately consuming more alcohol than the body can metabolize. Drinking a fifth of vodka every day, for example, poses many health risks, not excluding those associated with binge drinking and excessive drinking. Over time, both of these factors can contribute to the development of severe alcohol use disorder.

The CDC found that in 2015, one in six Americans partook in heavy drinking, consuming five or more drinks at least five times in a single month.

There are both short- and long-term effects of bingeing on alcohol. Most people who consume high volumes of alcohol will begin to feel the effects within five to ten minutes. The high-dose drinking impacts several bodily functions and systems, including:

  • Heart – high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, sudden death from heart failure
  • Kidneys – dehydration and low levels of sodium, potassium, and other essential minerals.
  • Liver – alcohol problems are the leading cause of liver disease and liver-related problems. Alcohol is filtered through the liver and in high doses can cause fatal scarring.
  • Lungs – alcohol inhibits gag reflex, plus it can lead to substances entering the lungs
  • Pancreas – a single session of heavy alcohol use can lead to dangerously low blood sugar
  • Sexual health – alcohol impacts inhibitions, and intoxication can cause risky behavior such as unsafe sex

Long-term effects of heavy alcohol use include:

  • Blood and immune system – alcohol can lead to anemia, low platelets, and suppressed immune system
  • Bones and muscles – heavy long-term use of alcohol can interfere with absorption of calcium and can lead to osteoporosis
  • Brain and nervous system – increases risk of stroke and dementia
  • Mental health – heavy drinkers are at higher risk of depression, anxiety, and psychosis
  • Sexual health – chronic heavy use of alcohol can reduce fertility in men and women
  • Intestines – AUD can interfere with the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients in the gut

Cutting back on the frequency of drinking can reduce this list of health issues. However, even low use of alcohol doesn't mean there's no risk.

Drinking 750 Ml Of Vodka

Differences in Alcoholic Beverages

Beer is often associated with casual parties and quaint get-togethers. Wine is generally consumed at home or with dinner. Spirits spark flashbacks of vacations and nights out with friends. Ask an acquaintance, and they'll likely profess with certainty that every alcoholic drink impacts the body differently. Scientific research, however, has not yet confirmed this assertion

So what is the difference between drinking five shots of vodka and downing a bottle of wine at dinner? The short answer is not much. Researchers guess that different types of alcohol – whether beer, wine, or spirits – evoke different sensations due to perception and the social context in which drinking occurs. Technically, a standard drink contains the exact same amount of pure alcohol, about 14 grams of ethanol . Those five shots of vodka are exactly the same amount of alcohol as one full bottle of wine.

Two possibilities for experiencing drastic differences from one alcohol type to another is the consumption method and speed of intake.

  1. Slow drinking a few beers on a back porch with friends on a nightly basis, for example, is vastly different than drinking a fifth of vodka every day.
  2. Binge drinking will decrease inhibition and quickly increase the level of ethanol in the bloodstream leading to a host of problems.

Mixers Impact Alcohol's Effect on the Body

The choice of mixers does play a role in drinking effects. Tequila and whiskey are usually consumed straight (or without any other beverage), while rum and vodka are often mixed with various juices, caffeinated sodas, or energy drinks. The latter can mask the effects of intoxication, leading a person to consume more.

Researchers from Northern Kentucky University found that mixing alcohol with diet beverages increases blood alcohol concentration (BAC) when measured with a breathalyzer. Researchers explain that alcohol effects are mitigated if consumed with nutrients like sugar because it slows the entry of alcohol into the small intestine.

In other words, vodka may cause faster and more potent effects on the body, depending on how it's consumed. With elevated consumption, the body can also build up tolerance levels, eventually leading to alcohol dependency. It's important to monitor intake and regularly assess if alcohol consumption is becoming problematic.

Alcoholism Stigma and Vodka

Let's talk a little about stigma and how vodka fits into an unfounded assertion. The stereotypical alcoholic usually conjures up a mental image of a homeless person drinking vodka concealed with a paper bag. The problem with this understanding of alcoholism is that it caters to a long-standing stigma regarding alcohol abuse. Alcoholics are widely believed to be dysfunctional and, in some ways, mentally ill.

The National Institutes of Health reports that over 20% of individuals suffering from alcohol abuse had a good education, held stable jobs, and had a normal family life.

In terms of the most favored beverage among those with a diagnosed AUD, the preferences vary. If problem drinkers widely consume vodka, it may be due in part to its colorless appearance and the ease of use in mixing it with other beverages. However, beer and whiskey – as noted – produce the same effects.

Whatever type of alcohol is consumed, all are dangerous in high amounts. Whether you're drinking a fifth of vodka every day, or chugging a case of beer, the short- and long-term health consequences can be lethal.

Drinking 750 ml of Vodka a Day: Getting Help

The U.S. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism recommends that men consume no more than four drinks on any day and no more than 14 drinks per week. On the other hand, women should not consume more than three drinks a day and no more than seven per week.

Drinking a fifth of vodka every day would put someone well over the recommended alcohol levels. At this rate of drinking, alcohol abuse treatment is critical. The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs asserts that treatment methods, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), help clients overcome alcohol abuse urges.

For individuals drinking a substantial amount of vodka, detoxification may be necessary to reduce the dangerous effects of withdrawal. Other than detox, individuals should explore treatment options that provide support from peer groups and individual therapy.

Drinking 750 Ml Of Vodka A Day

AspenRidge – Colorado Alcohol Abuse Treatment

There are countless life stressors that Coloradans face each day. Alcohol is a fun pastime that eliminates stress and fuels fun, but at what cost? While alcohol is largely associated with celebrations and gettogether, it's critical to understand the risk factors involved with continued alcohol use. If you feel you're no longer using alcohol to enjoy a night with friends or family, but instead using it to cope, it's important that you seek outside help.

AspenRidge is able to connect individuals to programs that provide attentive care foralcohol use issues. Our licensed professionals can help assess your alcohol use and determine problematic drinking. If you're asking how many beers a night makes you an alcoholic, it's possible that you've already considered the risks of alcohol abuse. We can provide guidance, therapy, and support for overcoming alcohol misuse, abuse, and addiction.

Please contact AspenRidge at 855-678-3144 for more information on our tailored dual diagnosis programs. Staff will help to verify insurance options and to clarify alcohol treatment procedures.

How Much Vodka Is Safe to Drink Daily


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