
How to Upload Your Revised Budget to Fastlane

Proposals and the budgets for projects being submitted to all sponsors should be developed past principal investigators (PIs) with the assistance of their section or higher administrator, or a Pre-Award Research Administrator in the Function of Pre-Honour Services (OPAS).  Proposals must be submitted to OPAS following the five day proposal submission process.  Every bit stated in this procedure, the proposals may include a draft technical section but must be complete in all other respects. Earlier routing the proposal in Kuali, the PI must permit SRO/AOR access in Fastlane or to the level of "view/edit/submit". Proposals are routed to relevant signatories and finally to the Part of Pre-Award Services (OPAS) for review. OPAS volition submit the proposal to the NSF via Fastlane.

OPAS reviews each proposal for compliance with both sponsor and University policies. OPAS also reviews the proposal to verify that just commanded costs take been requested and merely approved University and/or other vetted personnel such every bit subcontractors, consultant, fee for services providers are included in the proposal.

When preparing an NSF proposal, please refer to NSF 22-1 Checklist for proposals due on or after October four, 2021.

FastLane and Registration

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has made changes to the fashion the enquiry community registers for NSF accounts and maintains account and user profile information in FastLane and Effective March 26, 2018, NSF introduced a new centralized and streamlined account registration process in for the research community that provides each new user with a unmarried profile and unique identifier (i.e., NSF ID) for signing in to FastLane and for proposal and laurels activities.

For the consummate NSF guidance on Account Management, please see the Accounts Management page.

The new account direction functionality:

  • Allows users to create and self-manage accounts, including personal information and office requests;
  • Eliminates the need for organizational Administrators to create accounts and maintain profile information for their users, assuasive Administrators to focus on managing roles for their organizations through a dashboard with functions to approve, disapprove, assign, and remove roles; and
  • Replaces the existing FastLane and account management functions

All Fastlane accounts at present must be assigned roles. Guidance on selecting a role is below:

If y'all need this part(s) To perform these functions Select this "Add together Role"

Principal Investigator (PI)
Co-Master Investigator (co-PI)

Prepare Proposals
Manage Awards
Add together Investigator Role
Other Authorized User (OAU) Help a PI with proposal preparation Contact the Use administrator to exist assigned the OAU part by emailing OPAS

For Existing NSF Chief Investigator Accounts (created before March 26, 2018)

Existing NSF account holders, including and Application Submission Web Service (ASWS) users, will need to exist migrated to the new business relationship management arrangement through a simple, one-time operation when initially signing in to FastLane or Account holders will exist required to verify the account's primary email accost and telephone number to transfer it to the new system. Each user will have 1 NSF ID per the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (NSF 18-1), Chapter I.G.4.

Users with existing NSF accounts can access the NSF ID Lookup page for their NSF ID. Forgotten passwords for established NSF accounts may be retrieved here.

For more than information on account migration, please see this NSF page: Migrate Your Existing NSF Account - Account Direction Guide

Existing users tin log in here.

For New Primary Investigator Accounts:

To register a new PI account, go to, and click on "register" in the meridian right corner. Fill up out all the data (ORCID is not required), and hit submit. You will exist sent an email with a temporary password. Sign into, and enter in the temporary countersign.  Once you sign in, yous volition be prompted to change your countersign. Please review password complexity requirements before creating a new countersign.

In one case the countersign has been changed, yous volition need to add together a role for yourself.

To select a master investigator role, Select "Add Investigator Office" under "Prepare Proposals and Manage Awards". Select "Yep, set and manage proposals with an organization" and "Submit". Enter in the UMASS DUNS number (153926712). Verify that the organisation selected is "University of Massachusetts Amherst", if and then, click "Next", and fill out the contact details there. Choose Function as PI/co-PI. Click on next. Review the information, and if information technology is right, click on submit.

For more information, please encounter these NSF pages:

  • Register for an NSF Account to Brainstorm Using FastLane and - Account Management Guide
  • View and Edit my NSF Account Profile Information - Account Management Guide

For Other Authorized User Accounts (Business Managers):

Business Managers can be added every bit an Other Authorized User (OAU) office to assist in proposal preparation.

To register a new OAU account, go to, and click on "register" in the pinnacle right corner. Make full out all the information (ORCID is not required), and click on submit. You will be sent an electronic mail with a temporary password. Sign into, and enter in the temporary password.  Once y'all sign in, you will be prompted to change your countersign. Delight review password complexity requirements before creating a new password.

Once the password has been inverse, the Business Manager will need to email to request that they exist given an OAU role. The UMASS Ambassador volition then approve the OAU request.

Existing users can log in here

Adding an OAU to a proposal:

Once the Business organization Managing director has been registered in, and their OAU status has been canonical by UMASS Administrator, the PI can then add an OAU to a specific proposal. The PI should select the proposal they want to work on, and so click "Manage Personnel" nether "Personnel Access" on the left mitt side of the screen.  "Add Other Authorized User", and find the correct person through their email or NSF ID. Please annotation, if the Business organization Manager has not be registered in, and requested that assign them the OAU role, then the Business organisation Manager will not evidence upwardly as a choice when searching for the OAU.

A full list of FAQ's has been posted by NSF

Since OPAS is no longer able to create accounts in Fastlane/, the bulk of registration related questions should be directed to NSF'due south Assist Desk: 1-800-673-6188.

Proposal Preparation and Submission Sites (FastLane and

Starting time on April 30, 2018, Master Investigators will now have the option of using to submit Full, Research, non-collaborative proposals to NSF.

Please note, RAPID, EAGER, Fellowships, Collaborative proposals, and SBIR/STTR full proposals, as well equally submissions other than full proposals (letters of intent, preliminary proposals, revised budgets and renewals), all must still go through Fastlane.

The initial release of this new capability will run in parallel with existing FastLane proposal grooming and submission capabilities. Equally a outcome, proposers can cull to prepare and submit full, research not-collaborative proposals in or in FastLane. Other proposal types will be added to in the futurity.

Please notation, proposals initiated in the new system volition not exist available in FastLane and proposals prepared in FastLane volition non be bachelor in the new system.

This new system is being developed incrementally and equally capabilities are migrated from FastLane to, the system features will expand until it eventually replaces FastLane for proposal training and submission.

For this reason, the Kuali Record must specify whether NSF proposals volition be submitted via Fastlane or via in the submission instructions area, when the proposal is logged into OPAS.


  • Timeline of proposal functions and a list of what types of proposals will accept at this time
  • FAQ's regarding the proposal preparation site
  • NSF Proposal Guidance
  • home page
  • User Sign In

NSF Links

  • NSF Home Page
  • Grant Proposal Guide, NSF 19-1,effective February 25, 2019

General Guidance for NSF Proposal Grooming

  • NSF proposal checklist for Grant Proposal Guidelines NSF 19-1, effective February 25, 2019
  • NSF proposal checklist for Grant Proposal Guidelines NSF 18-1, effective January 29, 2018
  • NSF Subawardee Documentation

Education Specific Guidance

Learn more about NSF's funding opportunities in education at the Community for Advancing Discovery Inquiry in Teaching (Core). Read NSF resources on proposal preparation, submission and review; explore resources to assist y'all write your proposal; and learn about previously funded DRK-12 work. Information technology's a mix of broad NSF related guidance not tied to discipline, but also includes, of course, a good bargain of subject area specific information since Core focuses on education.


Specific NSF Plan Guidance

  • NSF Career Program
  • NSF REU Supplements
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Programs

Students apply for NSF Graduate Inquiry Fellowships directly as individuals via Fastlane:

OPAS does non have a role in the awarding procedure. The GRF money comes to UMASS in the form of one grant with the Dean of the Graduate School equally the Main Investigator of tape. The Graduate School then uses that grant to pay the fellowship stipend to the student. Information about the GRFP may be establish at this website:

Questions may be directed to Heidi Bauer-Clapp (, who works in the Graduate School and is the expert on GRFs and other fellowship applications.

NSF Budget Revisions

Revised budgets for NSF proposals are handled through the Fastlane system. If your budget results in a cut of 10% or more, y'all will demand to prepare and road a revised Kuali Record to OPAS. If the cut is under x%, a revised Kuali Tape is not required, however, please email your OPAS NSF Proposal Ambassador to allow them know you will be sending through a revised budget.
To create the revised budget in Fastlane:

  1. Click the on link titled "Proposals, Awards, & Status"(found on the left paw-side of the web page) at HTTP://WWW.FASTLANE.NSF.GOV
  2. Enter your login data into the "PI/Co-PI Login" box and click on the "Login" button.
  3. Click on the link titled "Proposal Functions".
  4. Click on the link titled "Revised Submitted Proposal Budget".
  5. Highlight your proposal and click the "View" button.
  6. The next page is titled "Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-Main Investigator (Co-PI) Proposal Revised Budget". Click the radio button next to "Edit the Upkeep" and click the "OK" push button.
  7. Year I volition announced nether the Year column next to the organization name. To edit the upkeep for Year One click the "Funds" link.
  8. The Year One budget volition and then display on the screen and let yous to make any changes that are needed. Click on the "Calculate and Save" button to relieve the changes to this year.
  9. Repeat steps 7-8 to revise additional years if needed.
  10. From the primary 'Project Budget' page, upload the entire revised budget justification (including supporting documentation) using the "Budget Impact Statement" option. When at that place is a budget reduction of ten% or more from the corporeality originally proposed, a corresponding reduction should exist made in the scope of the project. A revised proposal budget as well must include a Budget Impact Statement that describes the touch of the upkeep reduction on the scope of the project.
  11. Go back to the folio titled "Primary Investigator (PI)/Co-Primary Investigator (Co-PI) Proposal Revised Budget". Click the radio button next to "Frontward Budget Revision to Sponsored Research Office (Due south R O)" and click the "OK" button.
  12. Click on the "Forward" button.
  13. OPAS now has access to the revised budget in Fastlane.

Proposal File Updates in Fastlane

It is the responsibility of the proposing organization to thoroughly review each proposal prior to submission. On occasion, however, a problem is identified with a portion of the proposal afterward the proposal has been submitted electronically to NSF.
The FastLane Proposal File Update Module allows the organization to request the replacement of files or revision of other Proposal Attributes, associated with a previously submitted proposal. (Note: The FastLane Proposal File Update module must not be used for submission of revised budgets. All budgetary revisions must exist submitted through utilise of the FastLane Revised Proposal Budget Module.) A request for a proposal file update must exist signed and submitted past the AOR. An update request must comprise a justification that addresses:

  • why the changes or file replacements are beingness requested; and
  • any differences between the original and proposed replacement files.

A request for a proposal file update automatically will exist accepted if submitted prior to:

  • the borderline date;
  • initiation of external peer review in cases when a target date is utilized;35 and
  • initiation of external peer review in the example of an unsolicited proposal.

A request for a proposal file update after the timeframes specified above will crave credence by the cognizant NSF Program Officeholder. Such requests shall be submitted only to correct a technical problem with the proposal (i.e., formatting or print issues). Changes in the content of the proposal should not be requested afterward the timeframes specified in a higher place. When a asking is accepted, the proposed files or revisions to proposal attributes will immediately replace the existing files and go part of the official proposal.
PIs tin access the Proposal File Update Module via the "Proposal Functions" department of FastLane.

NSF will consider only one asking for a proposal file update per proposal at a time. Information technology is anticipated that it will be a rare occurrence for more than i file update request to exist submitted for a proposal.

To create an update in Fastlane, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Fastlane every bit the PI
  2. Click the radio button "Proposal functions"
  3. Click the radio push proposal file update
  4. Select the proposal that you want to update
  5. Upload the revised documents for the proposal sections that need to be updated
  6. Complete the "Justification Annotation for the Requested Update" textbox
  7. Enable SRO permissions to view, edit & submit

OPAS will then be able to see the update in Fastlane.

Updating an NSF proposal in

Proposal File Updates (PFUs) and Budget Revisions links can exist constitute on the Submitted Proposals page. They are allowed if submitted prior to the borderline date, initiation of external peer review in cases where a target date is utilized; and initiation of external peer review in case of an unsolicited proposal. If the criteria are met, the option to prepare a PFU/Budget Revision volition be displayed within the specific submitted proposal.

Editing a Proposal:

How tin I make changes to my proposal after it is submitted?

How you edit your proposal will depend on the status of your proposal and whether it is a single submission or separately submitted collaborative proposal.

  • For unmarried submission or single submission with subawards (collaborative) proposals, all edits must be done via the Initiate PFU/Upkeep Revision button on the submitted proposal form.
  • For separately submitted collaborative proposals later a atomic number 82 or non-lead arrangement proposal is submitted, information technology will receive a status of Submission Pending if in that location are other proposals in the collaboration that have however to submit. When a atomic number 82/not-lead organization proposal has a status of Submission Awaiting, there will be an Edit Proposal button visible to the PI/co-PIs, SPO, AOR, and OAU of the proposal. Clicking the Edit Proposal push button removes the proposal from the Submission Pending condition and returns it to an In-progress state. Proposals that are removed from the submission pending status will require a new submission by the AOR.
  • For separately submitted collaborative proposals, if all proposals in the collaborative fix have been submitted, then the proposal can be edited via the Initiate PFU/ Budget Revision button on the submitted proposal class.
  • For unmarried submission or single submission with subawards (collaborative) proposals, all edits must be done via the &ldquo"Initiate PFU/Budget Revision&rdquo" button on the submitted proposal grade.
  • See PAPPG, Affiliate 3.C for additional information on Proposal File Updates.


When you log in to submit in, choose Submitted Proposals on the Proposal Preparation screen.

Then in the listing, the proposal to exist updated volition have a link under the Submitted Proposals number that says Associated Actions: "Proposal File Update." (like in the screen shot beneath)

Click and follow through like a normal submission.

Transferring NSF Awards

Initiating the Request

In general, NSF accepts proposals from, and makes awards to institutions, rather than to individuals.

When a PI plans to leave an system during the course of a grant, the organisation has the prerogative to nominate a substitute PI or request that the grant exist terminated and closed out. In those cases where the PI's original and new organizations agree, NSF volition facilitate a transfer of the grant and the assignment of remaining unobligated funds to the PI'due south new organization.

All transfers begin at the institution the PI is leaving, and information technology is his/her responsibleness to initiate the process. University of Massachusetts Amherst PI's must follow the procedures as outlined in the Transfer guidelines. Formal notification of the impending transfer can exist electronically initiated by either the PI or the PI's organization. The well-nigh current Federal Greenbacks Transaction Report must be posted to NSF'due south fiscal accounting arrangement prior to submitting the PI transfer. The amount transferred must be equal to or less than the unobligated balance.

NSF Forms required at the original organization

The asking shall include a:

  • Brief summary of progress to date; PI to provide
  • Description of work yet to be accomplished; PI to provide
  • Completed on-line transfer request, including full estimated disbursements to date (transfer amount volition exist automatically calculated, based on the amount

OPAS Contacts


  • College of Natural Sciences, Mary Santos
  • All other Colleges, Kim Lowney

​OPAM Contacts

Mail award contact for all Colleges is John Fillio


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